Which of what????????????????????
Answer: by mentioning the idea that women are not people
A citizen is a person in the United states and yet women were people in the United States but still could not vote. Susan Anthony is therefore asking if women were not people as well because only that would explain why they did not have the right to vote.
In saying this she connected with the emotions of women who in being made to feel like second-class citizens did not feel like they were people.
Because puck plays a trick on bottom and turns him into a donkey.
This would be called infraspecific competition, or a food web.
This phenomenon is also called Rainforest competition, and it exists on every level, from the big cats (tigers, jaguars and leopards) and anacondas that usually hunt small mammals to the birds and amphibians that go after the same fruit, nuts and insects.
C. It addresses the need for equality for all people.