starting with lowercase letters, using uppercase letters for the first letter in a new word
starting with a dollar sign, using lowercase for the remaining parts of each word
An IP address is mostly for your WIFI . Internet Protocol .
Overtype Mode is where you are making changes to text (putting in new characters)
The correct answer to the following question will be "Encapsulation".
- Encapsulation relates to the pooling of data with techniques used by the database or the limitation of immediate access to many of the elements of the entity.
- As data is being processed for transfer to the network, it's split into tiny pieces and a trailer and header are attached to each piece to help determine it.
- It is a method of shielding data facts and preserving the object's data and actions from abuse by certain objects.
Therefore, Encapsulation is the right answer.
earliest = ""
while True:
month = int(input("Enter a date (month): "))
day = int(input("Enter a date (date): "))
year = int(input("Enter a date (year): "))
if month == 0 and day == 0 and year == 0:
if month < 10:
month = "0"+str(month)
if day < 10:
day = "0"+str(day)
string_date = str(month)+"/"+str(day)+"/"+str(year)
if earliest == "":
earliest = string_date
lst = list(map(int,earliest.split("/")))
if year < lst[2]:
earliest = string_date
elif year == lst[2] and month < lst[0]:
earliest = string_date
elif year == lst[2] and lst[0] == month and day < lst[1]:
earliest = string_date
print(earliest,"is the earliest date")
I wrote my code in python 3.8. Best of luck.
When the provider of the web app he uses goes out of business
When he has an intermittent internet connection at his home
It can fully depend on many factors. As well, we can talk to:
Internet reliance
Reduced speed
Browser support