With the use of API.
The computer system is an electronic device that comprises of the interaction of the hardware and software components of its system. The software component of the system controls all activities of the hardware and other application software interface.
The operating system is that software in the system that controls all system activities. It uses the kernel interface to connect directly to the hardware and create a platform for running application or user softwares.
The user software is used to run one specific task on the system. Sometimes, it seeks to kernel mode from the operating system, to use a hardware component, by the use of API or application program interface.
The agile MIS infrastructure includes accessibility, availability, flexibility, performance, portability, reliability, scalability and usability. :)
See explaination
#Run the code in the python version 3.x.
#Define the function.
def shampoo_instructions(num_cycles):
#Check the cycles to be greater than 1.
if num_cycles < 1:
#Display the statement.
print('Too few.')
#Check the cycles to be greater than 4.
elif num_cycles > 4:
#Display the statement.
print('Too many.')
#The else part.
#Initialize the variable.
N = 1;
#Begin the for loop.
for N in range(N, num_cycles+1):
#Print the result.
print(N , ": Lather and rinse.")
#Print the statement.
#Call the function.
Please check the attachment.
avg turnaround time = (38+7+42+33+18)/5= 27.6
avg waiting timee = (33+5+28+23+17)/5= 21.2
And its D, A C in Gantt chart at last and exit time are 33, 38 and 42 mentioned as last three in Gantt chart.