A color that is lighter in value than its basic hue is known as a <em>TINT</em>. a color that is darker in value than its basic hue is called a <em>SHADE</em>.
Tints and shades are terms that belong in the theory of colors.
When we talk about tints, we are referring to those colors in which white was added to them to make them lighter.
On the contrary, shade refers to those colors in which black is added to make them darker.
There is also a third term that can be added to this category, and that is tone. Tone is a mixture of tint and shade, or simply when gray is added to a certain color.
a) Baroque artists sought to convey figures full of emotion and energetic movement.
Baroque artists were trying hard to <u>express energy, emotion, movement, dynamics, and drama</u> through their art as well as their sculptures. We can look into works of some of the most famous Baroque sculptors like Bernini, Maderno or Mochi, to see <u>sculptures that are in movement, full of expression, details, emotions, and life. </u>
Renaissance was aiming more for a classic, realistic style that celebrated the figure and the simplicity, <u>while the Baroque style was full of life and drama, embodied through sharp contrasts, theatrical facial expressions, movement, and ornamentation. </u>
You can try spreading the dye with using rubbing alcholol, but if that doesn't work, you may have to buy black dye like Rit. You can try using a black sharpie, but I doubt it would look the same like how it was.
Post Modern Architecture.
Post Modern Architecture is a style that started in the 1960s, it was an international movement focused on creating designs in consideration to the surrounding environment.