The polished, highly reflective texture of Anish Kapoor's sculpture "Cloud Gate" is appealing for viewers to touch, made of 168 polished stainless steel plates, which are seemed together invisibly, the structure sits as the centrepiece of AT&T Plaza at Millenium Park in Chicago, Illinois, floating like a reflective cloud mirror.
Some resources that can help in art research and accessibility can be the categorization of art-related subjects in a software, by period and artistic movement.
<h3 /><h3>How to improve a search system?</h3>
It is essential that there is a categorization of subjects by keywords and most searched characteristics, helping the ease with which the expected results will appear to the user.
Therefore, it is essential that students keep their notes and information from art and photography classes in a clear and objective way, as they will be essential for understanding the subject, aid in studies and in the organization and categorization of knowledge.
Find out more about search system here:
Society doesn't like us talking about the negative as[ect of things unless it's coming from useless things that they find important. society doesn't like us giving off any emotion that is negative, they expect us to be perfect and with that we don't have a limit on expressing positive emotion
Ang sagot ay Pianissimo.
Umaasa ako na tama ang pagsasalin. Hindi ako nagsasalita ng Pilipino.
<span>A mastaba is a type of ancient Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, rectangular structure with inward sloping sides, constructed out of mud-bricks or stone.</span>