a reduced availability of these badly needed products.
Price control is when the government imposed a price regime that is aimed at protecting the consumer from over pricing by sellers. When price ceilings are imposed there is a maximum price the the seller cannot go above in pricing of products.
In this case if ocal governments imposed price controls that prevented sellers from raising their prices for badly needed products like plywood and generators. It will result in reduced availability of the products to these areas.
Sellers tend to reduce amount supplied, due to scarcity consumers will have to buy at black market prices that are higher.
Consistency principle
Accounting principles are defined as the general rules of.axcpunting that businesses are expected to follow when reporting financial information.
Accounting principles include:
- Accrual principle
- Conservatism principle
- Consistency principle
- Cost principle
- Economic entity principle
- Full disclosure principle
- Going concern principle
- Matching principle
- Materiality principle
- Monetary unit principle
- Reliability principle
- Revenue recognition principle
- Time period principle
Consistency principle requires one the continue using an accounting method consistently for future accounting periods so that information can be easily comparable.
In the given scenario the accountant tells Tenisa that US GAAP allows a company to choose its inventory valuation method as long as it doesn't change over time without a justifiable reason.
This is an example of consistency principle
TRUE. Participation occurs when employees have a voice in decisions about their own work.
An area with younger people will have a higher demand for rentals and a lower demand for buying.