Yellow Journalism
The type of journalism that shows news that is not researched or factually accurate but instead is exaggerated in order to attract eyeballs. In other words doing whatever is necessary to attract attention while not considering whether the content is factually correct.
Here, The Weekly World News just wanted people to buy their paper and wrote a ridiculous headline.
Hence, they are using yellow journalism.
car c is not accelerating because it is travelling in a straight line at a constant speed
The actual answer is the <em><u>corpus callosum</u></em> hope this helps :)
Insane is a psychological term used to describe individuals with a severe mental disorder. This statement is False.
The definition of insanity is doing constant issue over and over and expecting totally different results." No, it isn't.
To be clear, the mental disease could be a legal term touching on a defendant's ability to work out right from wrong once a criminal offense is committed that an individual cannot distinguish fantasy from reality. He cannot conduct her/his affairs because of psychopathy or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.