D Cause and Effect
A virus causes a cold and carelessness causes errors
If a country is not able to produce some goods, it has to buy them somewhere else and bring them into the country - this is called importing, so the correct answer is b.
Selling goods outside of the country is called exporting and giving them away would be called donating.
Cocktail party effect
Selective attention
This is simply the act of capitalizing or focusing of one's mind/ conscious awareness on a particular thing such as in the case of cocktail party effect
Cocktail party effect
This simply deals with the ability,trait etc common to an individual in focusing one's listening attention on a single talker amidst other conversationss and background noises. This is the ability to attend to only one voice among others.
This is also defined as a form of selective attention and the ability to putting or placing your mindset on one thing. A common example of cocktail party effect is the inherent capability to hear voice among many in a crowded airline terminal or noisy parks.
A subcultural group is the group within a larger culture, it has interests and beliefs that differs from those of larger culture
Subcultural theories on crime were the result of work of Chicago school on the gangs. According to these theories certain subcultures or groups in society have attitudes and values that are conducive to violence and crime.