You'd have to figure out the distance traveled across the screen and divide it by the amount of frames with frame-by-frame animation.
with software designed to create the inbetween frames, it's comparatively easier.
I believe it shows both higher level thinking as well as a form of art. The Blombos caves shows ancient artifacts showing interlectual structure of improvement by adapting the form of art. The caves preserved the art showing that they have learned how to create triangular art by carving the stone(similar to the woodcut technique) which would be widdled with a sharp object such as a knife, bones, or a sharp stone. As for the artifacts, the cave walls were painted(proof of art) showing ancient animals and how they hunted by creating weapons(also artifacts). So as you might see, the Blombos caves show artifacts of a higher thinking as well as a form of art.
You might want to rephrase it slightly so that you dont get a 0 on it
A nkisi n'kondi is a specific type of power figure in which the spirit was activated by hammering a nail into the figure. At the request of a victim of theft, for instance, a nail would be driven into the wooden figure, and the nkisi n'kondi would punish the thief.
It was more famous in the nineteenth century then it was before