In Beowulf, it was often repeated that young men should make a name for themselves. As compared to the era of the Anglo-Saxon, they do not believe in an afterlife. They thought that eternity is referred to the honor and great deeds that they have done in their time on earth. It was often acclaimed not just in Beowulf but in other literary pieces like the Trojan War and the Odyssey.
Answer: To give new ideas about skills that black Americans can learn
Because to the Hispanic people,it is a big thing to be 15,cos u r only 15 once. And lyk in the English people like us , it's sweet sixteen.
I don't really know if u understand what am trying to say..................
B.The Catholic Church’s ability to influence European politics declined.
<span>the Protestant Reformation change governments in Western Europe because many governments that were under the influence of the Catholic church become more secularized, with a consequent reduction in the ability of the church to influence European politics on many levels. In some country, the church lost all its influence, following the decision of such nations to become official protestant. </span>
The Treaty on Open Skies entered into force on January 1, 2002, and currently has 34 party states. It establishes a program of unarmed aerial surveillance flights over the entire territory of its participants.