modify the NTFS permissions on the folder
In order to solve this problem what you need to do is to modify the NTFS permissions on the folder. The NT File System permissions are security measures blocking access to manipulation of files within a directory and affects local users as well as network users. By adjusting the permissions of this within the folder that the members are trying to access then it will give them the ability to modify the files.
It is called the, "Program Proposal".
( n cards are there initially )
we pick out the first card in random it takes n-1 comparisons to figure out
its Equivalence card - n-1 steps
Two cards have been eliminated ( this leaves us with 2 and n-2 cards)
we pick out the 2nd card in random it takes n-3 comparisons to figure out
its Equivalence card - n-3 steps
we continue to do this.. till all cards are exhausted ( leaves us with 2
and n-4 cards again)
the last comparison will
- n-(n-3)
the sum of all these steps - (n-1) + (n-3) + (n-5) + .........+
if you draw this in the form of a tree.
n - n
n-2 - n
n-4 - n-2
n-6 - n-4
n-8 - n- 6
the height of the tree will be log n , sum @ each level is at most n
C. X-ray
AWS X-ray is a form of service that assists developers in carrying out analysis and debugging functions, and at the same time helps in the allotted applications, including those built using a microservices architecture.
In other words, an X-ray, in this case, will assist the developers in carrying out the following:
1. Establish a service map
2. Single out errors and bugs
3. Construct analysis and visualization apps
4. Enhancing the experience for end-users of the application under x-ray.
I think it is 1 because that is all that works for me