From January 2005 through July 2017, approximately 853 million electronic data records in the US were breached.
This allowed the attackers to take control over people's personal data, such as their various credit card numbers, and other important data, as well as their addresses, etc. The cyber police, as well as the regular police have been working hard to stop this from happening, but the hackers are very strong and smart.
IDF cable
An IDF cable or intermediate distribution frame is a cable rack that interconnects and manages a MDF or main distribution frame and a collection of workstations or computer systems. The MDF is a cable rack that interconnects several IDFs to itself.
This was really useful in determining one's location during the times when technology wasn't that advanced yet. First is that it depends as to what time of the day is it being used. If used at day, most probably at high noon, the altitude of the sun would be measured and recorded and/or remembered. Most of the times, the latitude is determined during the day since it is much easier. At night, a star of known declination will be substituted to the sun. Most of the times, the North Star is used. Then, an almanac will be utilized to determine the declination of the Sun or the star, depending on which was used. After which, the formula is applied, which is latitude = 90 degrees - measured altitude +declination.
Some examples of environmental technology is recycling.
Hey there!
The most commonly used hardware interface for attaching peripherals to a microcomputer is the universal series bus, or USB, port. Many computers have at least 2 to 4 USB ports that allow for multiple devices to be plugged in at once. In terms of wired devices as opposed to wireless, this is the main way that a mouse, a keyboard, a smartphone (for charging and syncing information), and many other devices are connected to computers.
Hope this helped you out! :-)