The theme for this story could be that if you work hard enough, you can leave your troubles and problems behind. The theme could also be that if you try too hard to avoid danger , than you might put yourself in more of it.
It's like a child growing up they grow
Answer: <u>a few</u> people.....
i m tired because i got very <u>few</u> sleep at night
i ll only need <u>a few</u> more minutes to finish my homework
is there any milk left 'yes, <u>a little</u>
i posted that comment <u>a few </u>days ago
i had <u>a few</u> subscribers to my video blog.....
In Act V, scene III of Romeo and Juliet, Paris represents an outside pressure that escalates a conflict because Paris wants to wed Juliet, but before they get to meet each other Juliet falls for Romeo. They get secretly married by Friar Laurence.
Her parents want her to marry Paris, he goes to ask to the same Friar to marry him with Juliet.