Indentured servants helped the colony of Virginia to thrive. The East India Company would allow English citizens to sail on their ships over to the newly formed colonies (including Virginia) and in return the people would work as house servants for a set amount of time, usually around seven years or so, and would then be free citizens. They were primarily white individuals so they were not mistreated like slaves would be, however they did have large workloads to do because they were servants, primarily house servants.
Governments influence the economy by changing the level and types of taxes, the extent and composition of spending, and the degree and form of borrowing. Governments directly and indirectly influence the way resources are used in the economy.
The waters are generally crystal-clear, with submarine features clearly visible at depths of 100 feet (30 metres).They: protect coastlines from the damaging effects of wave action and tropical storms. provide habitats and shelter for many marine organisms. are the source of nitrogen and other essential nutrients for marine food chains.