Germany suffered the most as a result of World War I. German forced to submit to the allied powers after their defeat in the war. After World War I, Germany under the Treaty of Versailles humiliated and forced to pay reparation to the allied powers. The reparation led Germany to become debt by borrowing financial help from America. Reparations further strained the economic system. The country entered into economic depression with unemployment because of hyperinflation after World War I.
Aristotle follows Socrates and Plato in taking the virtues to be central to a well-lived life. Like Plato, he regards the ethical virtues (justice, courage, temperance and so on) as complex rational, emotional and social skills.
The Statement which described the aesthetic principle of proportion in classical Greek sculpture is beauty standards change over time and what’s popular today maybe not popular tomorrow. There are three types of Classical Greek Sculpture which are simple, restrained and balanced.
I would say that a significant change affecting the natural environment and biodiversity could be the cultivation of corn and beans in mesoamerica which probably required the clearing of some land for the purpose. In populous societies such as the Aztecs the amount of cultivation would have been significant to feed a large population. In more recent times, the buffalo hunt of the First Nations and metis people in what is now Canada as long as it was carried out on a small scale for food and clothing was sustainable but once rifles were introduced and hides were sought and also due to a deliberate policy of extermination by the US military to destroy the independence of the First Nations and force them onto reservations, the bison were almost exterminated. In the 16th century, it was estimated that there were 25-30 million buffalo which is one of the largest populations of mammals recorded in the world. It is believed that the First Nations deliberately burned areas of the Great Plains to foster grasslands for the buffalo feed.
the french decided they didnt want a king, and instead they would be like us. yeah right. (they never acheived it)