Some countries in Oceania often grouped with southeast Asia because : A. There is little diversity in Oceania
Culturally, the Oceania Region is really similar to the countries that exist in South East Asia
Myanmar (Burma) is the country with the longest civil war.
A. cutting down or burning of all the trees in a forested area
Dams are important because:
They provide water for domestic, industry and irrigation purposes.
Dams often also provide hydroelectric power production and river navigation.
Domestic use includes everyday activities such as water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, and lawn and garden watering.
Dams and their reservoirs provide recreation areas for fishing and boating.
They help people by reducing or preventing floods. During times of excess water flow, dams store water in the reservoir; then they release water during times of low flow.
Answer: The earth layers and atmospheric layers are distinctly different.
The earth layers are made up of solid matter whereas the atmospheric layers are made up of gases.
The earth layers provide the base for the survival of diversity of living beings whereas the atmospheric layers only allow microbes which can survive in extreme temperature conditions.
The stratospheric layer of the atmosphere protects the living beings from the harmful radiations striking on the surface of earth and they are capable of causing mutation whereas the lithosphere or any other surface layer of the earth also absorb thermal energy from sun but does not provide protection against harmful affects of ultraviolet radiations.