A. is stored after removal from the atmosphere
A carbon sink is a place where carbon is stored after removal from the atmosphere. Carbon is stored in a carbon sink when they are removed from the atmosphere.
A carbon sink are reservoir (usually natural) where carbon is stored. Carbon sink store carbon because of their ability to absorb more carbon. Examples of carbon sinks are plants and water. Plants and water has the capability to absorb more quantity of carbon from the atmosphere and release less quantity of carbon.
Carbon is a chemical elements represented by the symbol C. It has the atomic number 6 and belongs to group 14 of the periodic table.
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The brain gets better with practice, so routine actions like walking become second nature. That is why your first time on the monkey bars is harder than your 100th time.
So how does the brain judge distance? The key for animals — like monkeys and humans — is in our eyes.
Where these different views overlap is how the brain is able to calculate the difference in distance and to judge depth.
This happens because the closer an item is to you, the greater the relative difference between the eyes will be compared with the object. The farther away an item is, the smaller the relative distance between the eyes will be. Our brain is great at remembering patterns, and it remembers the differences that each eye is seeing and correlates it with a distance. It can also find the distance by calculating the “convergence,” or how crossed your eyes become while looking at something. The more crossed your eyes become when looking at an object, the closer the object.
The lymph nodes are the lymphoid organs that serve in immune surveillance and in filtering lymph. They <span>are found in the neck, armpits, and groin areas. If a lymph node is swollen it means that there is an infection or injury.If you notice swollen lymph node you should see your doctor.</span>
</span> All normal eggs from the mother have an X chromosome while usually half the sperm cells from the father have a Y (male) chromosome and the other half have an X (female) chromosome and it is therefore the father's sperm that dictates which gender the embryo will take.
If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome then the embryo will be a genetic male due to XY chromosome combination.
<span>If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome then of course the embryo will be a genetic female due to XX chromosome combination.</span>