The Rhyme of this sonnet would be abab cdcd efef gg because
you're first four lines are rhyming every other one which would give you your abab pattern, then your next four also rhyme every other one with different words which gives you your cdcd pattern, and the same for the next four stanzas, and your last two lines would be gg because both words at the end rhyme.
My mom is my role model.She is nice to anyone but she doesn't let people stomp her into the ground.She knows the answer to my questions and if she doesn't know she asks about it to see if anyone else knows.She is super artsy, she paints beautiful paintings that inspire me to do art as well.She never lets me make bad decisions without a punishment, so i know not to d it next time.She's always putting others first before her self, and she always tries to help out.She's the greatest mom ever and i would not give her up for anything.
You can use the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How method and put it is order. you can copy and paste my answer if you want.
Who: your mom
what about her:"(your details)"
when was she born"(your details)"
Where does she work"(your details)"
Why does she not let you make a mistake"(your details)"
How good is she at being a mom:"(your details)"
During the evaluation stage, the listeners provide verbal and nonverbal reactions while the remembering stage is where the listener categorizes and retains the information gathered from the speaker.
Generally, there are five stages of how a listener listens. Their names are Receiving, Understanding, Remembering, Evaluating and Responding.
These stages allow a person to gain information and later on use it. Listening can also be divided into four different types. Their names are Deep, Full, Critical and Therapeutic listening. Knowledge gained depends on what type of listening an individual has done.
Learn more about listeners here:
I was in Dubai for winter break, I saw my cousins and uncle in Dubai and it was fun to be there and have a great time with them. Then we decided to do something really cool together, me and my cousin, we had the best experience of our lives in a place where you can experience a VR virtual world where you can see places around you and it was the It was the first time I tried something like that and that was the best moment for me. I saw my friends there and they offered me to play with them in a game where we might win cash prizes and trophies that would change our lives, and that just made me forget about spending time with my family. That made me spend more time on my gaming laptop than with my family and I wished that never happened because my cousin was sad and I quit the game then and I felt bad for not spending time with him and my brothers and then we went to the beach because it was a sunny day and we bought food there that I never tried before and I was curious to try it and it tasted really good and I ate it when I was hungry. At the end of the holiday when I got home I was sad because I did not want it to end but at least I had so much fun with my family and I got to spend time with them and I had to take some time to get my strength back because I had to help my mom with the housework.