sole proprietorship
This is a business, unincorporated,run by an individual with no distinction between the owner and the business. The owner is not only entitled to all the profits but also,in case business goes wrong, is responsible solely for the losses. In addition, there is no distinction between the owner and the debt, such that in case the business goes into debt the responsibility for paying these debts rests on owner.
The colonizing nation cut ties with the colony but government structures it established remain in place.
The cry rang out amidst the bursts of canon fire; over the deafening pop-pop-pop of Brown Bess, the Mexican Cavalry’s standard firearm; and the moans of injured men whose last moments were spent on the hallowed church ground.
The Battle of the Alamo in 1836 is indubitably the most remembered fight of the Texan struggle for Independence. The Duke’s (a.k.a. John Wayne) portrayal of Davy Crockett in the 1960 film, The Alamo, only further illuminated the struggle the Texians faced as they strove to free themselves from Mexico’s tightly clenched grip.
But their struggle will be remembered for all of time—if not because of the rallying cry that echoed all throughout America, than because of the large number of spirits which still haunt its bloodshed grounds.
This is the Alamo, which remains till this day, one of San Antonio’s Most Haunted locations.
Answer: The ballot or the bullet became one of malcolm X's most recognizable phrases, and the speech was one of his greatest orations.