During his reign he saw slave trade on his people as maltreatment therefore he created a good communication link between Him and the British.
From the beginning of the 18th century, the Asante supplied slaves to British and Dutch traders on the coast; in return they received firearms with which to enforce their territorial expansion. After the death of Osei Tutu in either 1712 or 1717, a period of internal chaos and factional strife was ended with the accession of Opoku Ware (ruled c. 1720–50), under whom Asante reached its fullest extent in the interior of the country. Kings Osei Kwadwo (ruled c. 1764–77), Osei Kwame (1777–1801), and Osei Bonsu (c. 1801–24) established a strong centralized state, with an efficient, merit-based bureaucracy and a fine system of communications.
In 1807 Osei Bonsu occupied southern Fante territory—an enclave around British headquarters at Cape Coast; in the same year, Great Britain outlawed the slave trade. Declining trade relations and disputes over the Fante region caused friction over the following decade and led to warfare in the 1820s. The Asante defeated a British force in 1824 but made peace in 1831 and avoided conflict for the next 30 years.
The ancient civilizations developed law codes and the idea of divine kingship based off of what they knew. Law codes, like the code of Hamurabi, were made by the rulers according to the divine belefs. We have the similar example in Islamic countries today, that are secular but also take the law of Sheriat.
It was based on an idea that a nation's wealth and power were best served by increasing exports in an effort to collect precious metals like gold and silver
The Texas Instruments introduced consumer-electronic calculators in the market in 1972 with its own developed affordable four-ounce portable calculators. The demand for these calculators increased rapidly as it was affordable for all.
The Texas Instruments revolutionized the digital electronic watch when it introduced its affordable electronic digital watch in 1976. The LED watches became a growing demand in the market as it was affordable and first of its kind.