Loren, the new manager, is the <u><em>antithesis</em></u> of compassion; just yesterday, she fired two people because they were late to work once this week. Corporate headquarters, upset with declining sales, appointed Loren to replace a[n] <u><em>impotent</em></u> manager who had been spotted on the golf course during work hours one-too-many times. Loren's many changes and <u><em>emendation(s)</em></u><em> </em>to company guidelines caused a[n] <u><em>maelstrom</em></u> in both the warehouse and the salesroom. Employees faced evaluations and new instructions that drove many to resign; however, it was part of Loren's plan. The people who quit, she reasoned, were just <u><em>impediment</em></u> to meeting the expected monthly profit margin. Loren spent the first two weeks familiarizing herself with the <u><em>labyrinth</em></u> of shelves and palettes in the warehouse. Shreds of textiles littered parts of the packaging area; some were hefty snippets of wool, and others were <u><em>diaphanous</em></u> scraps of silk that hovered in the gust created by passing forklifts. She occasionally stopped to introduce herself to the workers, but she ceased her introductions after noticing the regular look of <u><em>chagrin</em></u> on workers' faces as they scrambled to look busy or stumbled over the proper responses to her questions. After the first round of resignations-and, firings, most of the workers were intimidated by Loren's <u><em>bestial</em></u> management techniques.
Hope this helps! Please let me know if you need more help, or if you think my answer is incorrect. Brainliest would be MUCH appreciated. Have a great day!
Stay Brainy!
first one, being a boy means more favor in workplaces and in general.
second, health benefits and drawbacks being not able to look up information anymore
Answer: um it didnt really effect me because i still managed to talk to my friends and stuff it did make me a little frustrated because it was kind of hard to get it to work
Don't be sorry that's what the website was created for. The magical music was much to loud.
You can use any words as long as it makes since and has the same sound at the begging. magical music much