Scientists found dried Ibex meat and fat, particles of wheat and grain, red deer, and remains of toxic fern in Otzi the Iceman's stomach upon putting the content of his stomach through a scientific examination.
Scientists were particularly surprised at this discovery because of the high-fat content of the Otzi the Iceman's last meal.
Otzi, also known as the iceman, was a natural human mummy who is believed to have lived in the 3400BC. His body was discovered in 1991 in northern Italy. His body was examined by scientist and it was revealed that he had a very copious meal about two and a half hours before his death. Upon close examination, the content of his stomach was found to be wild goat meat (Ibex) with traces of grain and wheat. The scientist who examined the contents of his stomach were particularly shocked and the high level of fat in his stomach. It was also discovered that Otzi did not die a natural death, but was murdered, maybe by his fellow hunter, owing to the arrowhead found at his back.