To make it harder for immigrants to the US to become a citizen and easier to deport them and also to limit their right to vote. It was defended by the Federalists as being for national security during an undeclared war with France. While three of its provisions were repealed by the Democrats, one remained and was used by FDR to intern the Japanese in WWII.
Dutch East Indies; French Indochina; Hong Kong; Wake Island.
F Inequality of Wealth
The working class was going through a drought of money and the white collared class was essentially swimming in money. So th moral of the story is that the white collars were causing INEQUALITY OF WEALTH. Which is the answer.
If the citizens were not required to serve on jury, we had to rely solely on government decision to establish the law.
This actually had a lot of negative outcomes. Such as the people could no longer held the power in lawmaking process which cause government could do whatever they like.