C. He gives in and decides he will not go on
I wanna think the answer is B. but not sure i hope it works out for you
In reality, I bet all the answers are at least partly correct.
But the reason (or excuse) that people often gave was that the voters (no black people of course!) of each state should decide if they wanted to allow slavery.
They called it 'Popular Sovereignty' and it was a twisted argument that we could use a democratic process (voting) to decide that a certain class of people would get no democracy at all, or even be recognized as having ANY rights, like the right to not be owned and murdered.
Armenian Genocide : a massive extermination of Armenian Minorities ( Descendants of Ottoman Greeks and Assyrians) that happened in 1915. It took about 1,500,000 lives
Three articles from universal declarations of human rights that adress the issue :
- Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
- Article 3
everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of a person
- Article 5
No one shall subjected to torture or cruel inhumane degrading treatment or punishment