Answer: No, cite only original content from social media sites. If you want to cite content from a social media post or account that is not the original source of the content, cite it directly. If you cite a non-public post, your readers will likely not be able to see the post and verify its use in your paper. Other apps and platforms can require registration, payment, or download before access is possible.
He conquered most of the Mediterranean basically. he was a great warrior and led his people almost everytime to victory. He end up dying because of a bug (he got malaria or something like that)
The domestic and agricultural labor became more evidently primary in Western Africa due to slaves being regarded as these "political tools" of access and status. Slaves often had more wives than their owners, and this boosted the class of their owners. Slaves were not all used for the same purpose.
Slavery and the slave trades had a significant impact on the size of the population and the gender distribution throughout much of Africa.By providing firearms amongst the trade goods, Europeans increased warfare and political instability in West Africa. Some states, such as Asante and Dahomey, grew powerful and wealthy as a result. Other states were completely destroyed and their populations decimated as they were absorbed by rivals.
Nationalism ——> A strong sense of love and devotion toward a nation
Culture ——> all the knowledge and values shared by a society.
Sedition ——> Acts if verbal or physical rebellion against civil authority
Imperialism ——> Policy extending political, economic, or military rule over another
Exploit ——> to selfishly take advantage of a weaker person or nation
Republic ——> A form of government in which representatives are elected to exercise power for citizens