Answer: Poetry in the Aztec world was known as "flower and song," the Nahuatl (Aztec language) metaphors for art and symbolism. It was the highest art form and it often celebrated the transient nature of life on earth. ... Thus the idea that "art made things divine," and only the divine was true
Art was an important part of Aztec life. They used some forms of art such as music, poetry, and sculpture to honor and praise their gods. Other forms of art, such as jewelry and feather-work, were worn by the Aztec nobility to set them apart from the commoners. The Aztecs often used metaphors throughout their art.
Ulysses S. Grant, the general of the Union, and the 18th President of the United States.
America’s global military power is so commonplace that it’s easy to overlook how historically unique it is. What’s so unusual and world-changing is not the extent of America’s military, political and economic capacities — but the absence of countries that come anywhere close.
America’s historically anomalous position as a sole superpower with no near peer ended the balance-of-power geopolitics that organized much of world affairs for more than a thousand years — and will fundamentally shape a new geopolitics for at least the next generation.
The United States also derives geopolitical power from its singular capacity to develop new technologies and other valuable intellectual property in large volumes, especially in the software and Internet areas that drive so much economic change and the processes of globalization itself.
Stable acting government and industry, in which the government protects and provides basic support and a just judicial system with practical set of laws, and the industry is not extremely restricted; allowed to flourished and better the economy of a society. These two elements of a civil society determine whether or not a country is strong as much as prosperous.
What will you respond back?
When your friend tell you I just finished setting up the camp