John thomas scopes and commonly referred to as the scopes monkey trial, was an American Legal case in July 1925
The word McCarthyism was formed because of the controversial practises of former US Senator John McCarthy where he made some unconfirmed allegations.
The word McCarthyism means to make an accusation of disloyalty against someone without proof or based on flimsy evidence.
°Douglas's POV is that he wanted to keep that constitution the way it was, when the founding fathers created it.
° "I believe that the Union can only be preserved by maintaining inviolate the Constitution of the United States as our fathers have made it."
°It states that to leave the constitution for it has the power to keep the Union preserved
°The Civil War and the states changing into slavery and non-slavery states
It was primarily in the five decades after "World War II" that European powers finally granted independence to their African colonies, although some of the colonies obtained independence in the years between World War I and II.