A parliamentary republic is one where a parliament has its own head of state that is not connected to the president. This is usually in the form of a prime minister and often this prime minister has even more power than the president. An example can be Germany that has a chancellor that is more important than the president and the president has almost no power.
in sub-Saharan Africa AIDS is the leading killer and a large reason for the high transmission rates is because of the lack of education provided to youth. When infected, most children die within one year because of the lack of treatment.
Interesting document.
It was issued by the German Foreign office (January 1917) proposing that Mexico should align itself with Germany in the even America enter the war. Germany was pleading for an alliance that would keep America busy dealing with an attack from the south. Fortunately it didn't work.
Europeans started to enslave Africans.
They started to use slaves instead of indentured servants, because the investment was better. Indentured servants only served for a few years, and then were granted freedom, while slaves were purchased and used for their entire lives. The investment of a slave was better than an indentured servant.
Why do you think flowing, organic shapes would be a key feature of an art form that is viewed as "secular"? Rococo was highly secular, emphasizing grace, charm, and gentle action, a lot of the artist liked how it looked when using the style.