¿Te gusta el maestro? = do you like the teacher?
So sense you didn't give me any answers I would say
Sí, ella/<span>él</span> es muy agradable. = Yes, she/he is very nice.
Iker believes that there is no relationship between animals and people
You did want a translation right?
1. Cierto.
2. Falso.
3. Falso.
4. Cierto.
5. Falso.
In this exercise you have to say if the statements are true or false according to the information of the video called "Flash Cultura".
1. True because people celebrate mother's day in the park.
2. False because Valdivieso's family do not represent the modern family and Bolaños' family do not represent traditional family.
3. False because "Los Bolaños" do not live in Quito.
4. True because Bernardo live with some pets in his house.
5. False because "Los Valdivieso" do not take canelazo.