Punishments were given to the officials if smuggling was detected because the official commit the crime and according to the law, a man who commit crime should be punished. As a representative of an organization or government department, an official has a great responsibility to serve the department and the people of the country and avoid doing such type of crimes which damaged the his reputation.
Answer: <em>Expectations about personal space while riding an elevator.</em>
Folkways are generally referred to as the conventions or customs of daily life. They are known as a kind of social norm. Under the discipline of sociology, folkways are usually referred in context to mores since they tend to act as both kind of social norms, although they tend to vary in degree to which these are implemented and enforced. Folkways are referred to as casually implemented social expectations, whereas mores are referred as beliefs about behaviors which are strictly upheld.
b. They are not elected into office and run the city’s affairs.
hope this helped
- profparis
7 times the 24 rows would be 168
168 minus the 9 being taken away would be your answer: 159