The first area of cooperation or relationship among the three tiers of government in Nigeria is the area of power sharing. As it has been noted earlier above, exclusive list belong to the federal government, concurrent list to both federal and state while the residual is strictly for the states.
The Israeli Declaration of Independence, formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the ... It declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel, which would come ... The result was Resolution 181(II), a plan to partition Palestine into Independent Arab and Jewish States and the
The Israeli Declaration of Independence, formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the ... It declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel, which would come ... The result was Resolution 181(II), a plan to partition Palestine into Independent Arab and Jewish States and the
The Articles of Confederation was the text that served as the supreme law of the United States from its inception in 1777 to 1788, when the Constitution was ratified.
The Articles of Confederation united the states into a confederation governed by the Confederation Congress, which was made up of representatives of the states on an equal basis. Under this regime, the states kept large quotas of sovereignty, and the Confederation Congress was only in charge of declaring war and forming armies, but it could not collect taxes and it was very difficult for it to apply its resolutions because these could be rejected by the states. This led to a situation of ungovernability, which led to the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, in which the Constitution was created. The Constitution came to solve the problems of governability that existed in the United States, creating a strong federal government under the command of a President, with a Congress to sanction laws and a Judiciary to sanction those who break them. Likewise, the federal government was empowered to collect taxes, thus being able to finance itself without receiving contributions from the states.
gluttony and sloth. i took the test.
steel mines because the others are wrong I think