People lost faith because so many people people were praying but yet the infection didn't stop
It increased the demand for raw materials.
In the 19th century, the Second Industrial Revolution began, which spread across Europe, the United States, and Japan. The Second Industrial Revolution is marked by several characteristics because it is an important historical moment for the development of the industry, technological advances and increased productivity. In the case of the United States, we witness an increased development, especially the search for raw materials to supply the industrial demand.
This economic system resulted in a favorable balance of trade for England, with greater exports than imports.
The goal of the economic philosophy and system of mercantlism was to generate a positive balance of trade for the mother country, at the expense of the colonies.
In the case of England, the idea was to enrich England at the expense of colonies such as the North American colonies.
The system was succesful in this particular economic area, but it did not necessarily benefit the majority of people in both England and the colonies.
The middle kingdom got began when Nebhepetre Mentuhotep ll reunited Upper and Lower Egypt
A shrinking Pentagon budget, I think.