He had started to doubt himself, unsure of how and why the ghost had appeared and for what purpose.
Act I of William Shakespeare's tragic play "Hamlet" shows the young prince Hamlet meeting his dead father's ghost for the first time. And then came the revelation by the former King's ghost of how he had been murdered. This revelation took Hamlet by surprise but also made him vow to exact revenge on the culprit.
When Hamlet said <em>"it is an honest ghost",</em> he was fully sure of what he had been told by the ghost. But later on, he again said <em>"The spirit that I have seen may be the devil"</em>, implying that he's starting to question the whole situation. Earlier, he had been so much consumed with grief about his father's death that when the ghost came, he was fully co-operative with the plan and the story. But later on, when he isn't with the ghost and had time to think more clearly, he began to doubt his own decision.
It seems, (Though it has been awhile since I have had read this story) that she is more open to the oddness of the place. Instead of trying to rationalize this she is only going along with it.
Negative campaign advertising
This is process of painting the opponent as a soft criminal, immersed in his self interest, dishonest and corrupt candidate who is going to be a danger to the nation.
The answer would be sentence structure. This is because chronology is when you organize a piece of writing in the order of how things happen, order of importance is when you organize a piece of writing in order of importance. And comparison and contrast is when you organize your paper by comparing and contrasting atleast 2 different things.
You may choose a work from the list below or another novel or play of literary merit.1996.The British novelist Fay Weldon offers this observation about happy endings."The writers, I do believe, who get the best and most lasting response from their readersare the writers who offer a happy ending through moral development. By a happyending, I do not mean mere fortunate events -- a marriage or a last minute rescue fromdeath -- but some kind of spiritual reassessment or moral reconciliation, even with theself, even at death." Choose a novel or play that has the kind of ending Weldondescribes. In a well-written essay, identify the "spiritual reassessment or moralreconciliation" evident in the ending and explain its significance in the work as a whole.1995.Writers often highlight the values of a culture or a society by using characters whoare alienated from that culture or society because of gender, race, class, or creed.Choose a novel or a play in which such a character plays a significant role and showhow that character's alienation reveals the surrounding society's assumptions or moralvalues.1994.In some works of literature, a character who appears briefly, or does not appearat all, is a significant presence. Choose a novel or play of literary merit and write anessay in which you show how such a character functions in the work. You may wish todiscuss how the character affects action, theme, or the development of othercharacters. Avoid plot summary.
381993."The true test of comedy is that it shall awaken thoughtful laughter." Choose anovel, play, or long poem in which a scene or character awakens "thoughtful laughter"in the reader. Write an essay in which you show why this laughter is "thoughtful" andhow it contributes to the meaning of the work.1992.In a novel or play, a confidant (male) or a confidante (female) is a character, oftena friend or relative of the hero or heroine, whose role is to be present when the hero orheroine needs a sympathetic listener to confide in. Frequently the result is, as HenryJames remarked, that the confidant or confidante can be as much "the reader's friendas the protagonist's." However, the author sometimes uses this character for otherpurposes as well. Choose a confidant or confidante from a novel or play of recognizedliterary merit and write an essay in which you discuss the various ways this characterfunctions in the work.1991.Many plays and novels use contrasting places (for example, two countries, twocities or towns, two houses, or the land and the sea) to represent opposed forces orideas that are central to the meaning of the work. Choose a novel or play that contraststwo such places. Write an essay explaining how the places differ, what each placerepresents, and how their contrast contributes to the meaning of the work.