This is a complex of three proteins (Trop C, I, T) that are responsible for muscle contraction of the skeletal and cardiac muscles . its binds with protein tropomysin to lie in the grove between the actin filaments. its prevents contraction by blocking myosin crossbridge in a relax muscles.Inorder to aid contractions calcium ions binds with troponin, which leads to confrontational change.This exposes myosin on actin filaments, leading to formation of crossbridge and therefore contraction of muscles.
Therefore if there is a mutation in the gene that encoded Troponin, as explained above, calcium ion will not be able to bind with tropinin, and there will be no exposure of myosin on actin filaments, no binding of myosin on actin to cause crossbridge, and consequently no muscle contraction,
Thus the intercoastal muscle and diaphragm will not contract leading to death of the baby.
D. There are only a week Hydrophobic interactions in the interior of the membrane.
Identify the general location of the zygomatic arch. cheek. The zygomatic arch is a bony bridge formed between the zygomatic and temporal bones. ... The temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone fuse to form the zygomatic arch.
it will bonce because the vinegar absorbs into the eff and eats away at the hardness its just like water if you have ever boiled an egg the water gets inside a cooks the egg and this can be tested