It's the Inner Core
It is the innermost layer of planet earth & composed primary of Iron and Nickel , This is because through the geological time Iron and Nickel which are heavier elements sank down and formed the core.
And plus, the Crust (The land you stand on when you walk outside) is made of soil and rock, and the Mantle (Under the Crust) is hot liquid like lava.
hello there
Andrea's point is probably the answer you're looking for, however, you should keep in mind that many (most?) environmental laws are driven more by politics than by the available data. Scientists do research on any number of topics (environmental or not) that have implications for our society. We (scientists) like to think that policy makers take our data and results into consideration when drafting legislation, but I would say that in my experience this rarely happens. For one, there have rarely been any federal legislators who understand science. Even the few physicians who've gone into politics seem largely to fail to understand very basic tenets of science, or at least they don't often demonstrate it with their political actions. Leaving environmental issues, for example, if politicians took science into account, there would be no discussion in any school district in the country about whether or not evolution should be taught in schools, as there are simply *NO* scientists who are qualified to have an opinion who would suggest it shouldn't. Environmental issues are not really any different.
hope that helped bye
Siltation is a process by which water becomes dirty as a result of fine mineral particles in the water. Explanation: When sediment, or silt, is suspended in water, this is an example of siltation.
It could technically be either. The majority of coal deposits
appear to be biotic, though there are some geochemists who believe
that abiotic coal deposits might exist deep in the crust.