I think C cause the act of charity their neighbors showed towards them which differs based on how they might have treated their neighbors as family or like an outsider
The answer is B: Less than a decade ago, the affiliate [Human Society International].
Brackets are used to give the writers (when they need to add information) an opportunity to add an explanation, or emphasis to a word, or change a <em>quote to fit to a sentence, but without changing the meaning of the text</em>. In A) <em>global work</em> doesn't need explanation; C) <em>decade</em> doesn't need explanation; D) <em>HSUS</em> was already explained in the first sentence of the text.
<span>He felt Linda was the most appreciative because inspite of everything going on she still made sure Rocky had the ingredients for him to cook every night.</span>
yes , because he believes in serving the greater good
Explanation: This means that there is always something positive, and something negative in a situation. There is always a silver lining on every grey cloud. A situation is bad if you look at it negatively, but it will be better once you look at it from a positive perspective.