Queit is spelled incorrectly :)
The correct answer is A.
It is important to state that the original opening scene from Hamlet does not contain the "stage directions" included in this excerpt ("Elsinore, a platform before the castle"); and what is more, there is no explicit allusion to a place before the action actually starts.
Having said that, the correct answer is A because Bernardo asks <em>"Who's there?</em>" and Fransisco returns <em>"Nay, answer me; stand, and unfold yourself"</em> (meaning, you tell me who you are and identify yourself). <u>This interaction can only be possible if it is very late at night, since the characters imply that they can's see each other by asking who is approaching.</u> Once they have identified themselves they talk about to things:
- "'Tis now struck twelve; get thee to bed, Fransisco"
="The clock says it's twelve, so go to bed" This is an explicit reference to the time in which this scene takes place, so now we can be certain that it is very late at night.
2. "it's bitter cold, and I am sick at heart"
= "It's very cold and I feel depressed" This is an explicit reference to the weather being cold.
The exceprt that represents the call-and-response format derived from jazz music is "The Synonym Fnider"
"We Wear a Mask" is famous Paul Laurence Dunbar's poem.
It deals with the status of African-American community in the late 1800s. Using "we" in the title of the poem, he gives it a personal note emphasizing that he is tha part of the community too.
Mask suggests hiding their real feelings, just like the mask hides the face. These lines suggest pretending to be happy in order to fit in, because showing real emotions falls on deaf ears and brings about lack of understanding. More precisely, these lines show that this methaphoric mask hides their pain and sadness ("torn and bleeding hearts") and hides the words they would express this with, replacing it with things other want to hear ("myriad subtleties").