In ancient literature, heroes were usually described as males who sacrificed themselves for the benefit of others. They also held certain characteristic such as can be seen through the chivalric code. They were expected to do great deeds of glory to even be counted as a hero in their society. This is why literature such as King Arthur were so popular in their times.
Although heroism in modern can still be represented through the lens of a superhero or war hero, it is generally given a lot more lax, and usually a lot easier to obtain. Unlike in the times of the knights, most people aren't expected to slay dragons, or rescue a damsel in distress. The theme of the "everyday hero" is certainly a huge difference between the two. In modern film, heroes are usually portrayed as the average Joe, sort of character, with flaws and vices just like anyone else. Heroes are now seen as obtainable characters with decent stances of virtue.
The two parts of this excerpt from W. W. Jacobs's "The Monkey's Paw" show that show the White family doesn't believe in the talisman's power are:
"Sounds like the 'Arabian Nights,'" said Mrs. White, as she rose and began to set the supper.
The 'Arabian Nights' were stories made up by the narrator Scheherazade and told to the King over 1001 nights so that he would not kill her as he had done with so many other women in the past. In this way, it signifies that Mrs. White believes this story to be a made-up tale.
"Don't you think you might wish for four pairs of hands for me." Her husband drew the talisman from his pocket, and all three burst into laughter
Mr. White is jokingly asking to be given four pairs of hands, something that isn't sensible or realistic, because he does not believe in the power of the talisman to grant wishes. In the end the three burst in laughter as they do not take the talisman, or the story of it's power, seriously.
I would say it appeals more to your mind because when someone thinks about windshield wipers their mind would go to an image of windshield wipers. That is just my opinion though. I wouldn't smell, taste, or feel them. I would however see and hear them so one could say windshield wipers do appeal to the senses. I'm sorry if this wasn't very helpful. Hopefully this will give you an idea on how to write the essay question though.