unemployment especially unemployment as the result of layoffs, can be
devastating for individuals and business. All of the following are effects of high unemployment except for " a loose money supply policy<span> "</span>
>A high unemployment rate can impede a country from progressing in all aspects.
>Monetary policy is defined as the management of a nation's money supply by the government or central bank.It happens when the money supply is expanded and is easily accessible to citizens to encourage economic growth.
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/loose-monetary-policy.html#ixzz48jU6jgpo</span>
Given that Program instructions consists of:
- 60% floating point multiply
- 20% floating point divide
- 20% other instructions
Amdahl's law states that:
Execution time affected by improvement = (Execution time after improvement/ Amount of improvement) + (Execution time unaffected)
Assuming initially that floating point multiply, divide and other instructions have same clocks per instruction (CPI).
Part (a)
New execution time after improvement with multiply = (60) / 8 + (20 + 20) = 47.5
New execution time after improvement with Divide = (20) / 3 + (60 + 20) = 86.67
New system should be 4x faster which means new execution time should be below = 100/ 4 = 25.
Therefore, Management's goal can NOT be achieved by making the improvement with multiply or divide alone.
Part (b)
New execution time after improvement with multiply and divide = (60 / 8) + (20 / 3) + 20 = 34.17
Speed up = execution time of original machine / Execution time of new machine = (100 / 34.17) = 2.93
Therefore, new machine is 2.93 times faster than original machine.
The median of all the string numbers would be 52
180 000 common stock shares outstanding
preference shares are not used in calculating earning per share. Earning per share is the part of the firm's profit that is attributed to common stock shares. It is an indicator of financial strength of a company. It also shows the intrinsic value of the company's shares. This can be used to determine if a share is overvalued or under valued in the equity market.
The company has 120, 000 common stock shares and issued additional 20,000 common stock shares totaling 180,000 common stock shares.
I think it is
<span>D.)substituting existing technology with a new technology to produce more goods
I hope this helps </span>