It is significant in the context of his greater story because it shows he is his own person even with a piece of Voldemort living in him.
This is repeatedly a theme of Harry’s character. That he isn’t Voldemort because he makes different choices.
Rowling wanted it to be conveyed though in Harry’s character clearly that he could easily have been someone like Voldemort.
Harry could have easily chosen a path like that after discovering he had powers of Voldemort’s. He could have decided he wanted to be a dark wizard too.
The danger that Harry might eventually give in and go over to the dark side as it were is repeated at certain points throughout the Harry Potter book series, but mostly in the earlier installments
That’s the challenge English Language Learners (ELLs) face if they want to catch up to their native English-speaking classmates. That’s almost 4,000 new words a year if a student begins school as a kindergartner!
But what about the English Language Learners who don’t enroll until middle school or high school? For these students, the vocabulary challenge is even more demanding. To meet it, teachers must learn and use the most effestudents to vi
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I inferred you are referring to the Nigerian born writer Chimamanda Adichie's account found here (
Remember, in Adichie's talk she said referring to Fide, "the only thing my mother told me was that his family was very poor."
Later after she saw the basket fide's brother made she said "it had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something". This stereotyped view expressed in her words above complements the story of her college roommate’s stereotyped view of Adichie when she said, "she asked where I learned to speak English so well,....she had felt sorry for me even before she saw me. My roommate had a single of Africa; in this single-story, there was no possibility of Africans being similar to her in any way."
Indeed, her talk would have had a different impact without the story of Fide and his family, considering the fact that this was a real-life story so it made the best impact.
It made them want to repent cause it scared them ...That was a weird read...
the sentence below represents infirmity