Rockefeller3.Beginning with a small oil refinery, this man‘s Standard Oil began to put competitors out of business.
They were the cause of the succesion and then created the cival war which had to be. fought by the north.
Isn't it the Connecticut compromise? or Sherman's Compromise
Improving pensions, unemployment insurance, medical care, and employment opportunities
He says, "No person should try, or be allowed, to get rich out of this program; and the principle of tax payments in accordance with ability to pay should be constantly before our eyes to guide our legislation." which indicates it has nothing to do with war, the military, or free speech.
Before this he also says, "Many subjects connected with our social economy call for immediate improvement. As examples:
We should bring more citizens under the coverage of old-age pensions and unemployment insurance.
We should widen the opportunities for adequate medical care.
We should plan a better system by which persons deserving or needing gainful employment may
obtain it." then goes on to talk about sacrifice.