the animal cell will burst
If the salt solution in the animal cell is 30%, it means the water is at a 70% concentration. Outside is 20%, so the water is 80%.
Water will enter the cell. Water is at a higher concentration outside the cell (80%) or a lower concentration inside the cell (70%) by the process of osmosis.
Eventually, the animal cell will burst, because it does not have any cell wall to control the swelling of the cell that occurs as water flows in.
Non potable waters are not for drinking. It is not safe to be drink that's why drinking it can carry significant health risk on our body. Non potable waters are only for irrigation and other non drinking water activity. POtable waters are the water that is clean and safe to drink
Throughout the history of nursing research, most studies have focused on clinical problems. TRUE
Once the rock has been weakened and broken up by weathering it is ready for erosion. Erosion happens when rocks and sediments are picked up and moved to another place by ice, water, wind or gravity. Mechanical weathering physically breaks up rock. One example is called frost action or frost shattering.
Take for example - you touching something sharp and instantly moving your hand away.
Sensory neurons in your fingers detect the external stimuli of the sharp object and send a nerve impulse to the spinal cord (does not reach brain) and is sent back to a motor neurone - attached to an effector that moves the muscle and moves the hand away. This is a rapid reflex action and involuntary.