They have the ability to experiment freely with innovative approaches and, if necessary, to take risks.
They are flexible in adapting to local situations and responding to local needs and therefore able to develop integrated projects, as well as sectoral projects.
They enjoygood rapport with people and can render micro-assistance to very poor peope as they can identify those who are most in need and tailor assistance to their needs.
They have the ability to communicate at all levels, from the neighbourhood to the top levels of government.
They are able to recruit both experts and highly motivated staff with fewer restrictions than the government.
Paternalistic attitudes restrict the degree of participation in programme/project design.
Restricted/constrained ways of apporach to a problem or area.
Redued replicability of an idea, due to non-representativeness of the project or selected area, relatively small project coverage, dependence on outside financial resources, etc.
"Territorial possessiveness" of an area or project reduces cooperation between agencies, seen as threatening or competitive.
In Rwanda the cause of the genocide was “restoration of historical justice,” while in Bosnia it was more of a territorial and interfaith problem.
In the 1994 genocide, 800,000 people were killed in Rwanda. As a result of the three-year conflict in the former Yugoslavia, more than 100 thousand people died, and about two million were forced to leave their homes.
First, German and then Belgian colonists supported the power of the Tutsi. The reason was the origin of the Tutsi: Europeans reasoned that if this tribe used to live in northern Africa, it means that it is genetically closer to the Caucasian race and has superiority over the Hutus. The position of the Hutus was getting worse and more disenfranchised.
Simultaneously with the fall of the Soviet Union, many other communist regimes, including the Yugoslav one, shook. So, by 1991, Slovenia and Croatia withdrew from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. If the first of the republics resolved the issue of independence through a referendum, the second made a unilateral declaration of secession from Yugoslavia. Following the neighbors, Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to become independent, but the population of this republic was so heterogeneous that the proposed option did not suit everyone. The supporters of independent Bosnia and Herzegovina were mostly Bosnian Muslims, who made up almost half of the country's population, as well as Croat Catholics who did not want to follow the Orthodox Serbs, who made up about a third of the republic’s population.
The history of the united states ?
Ans: During his twelve years in office, President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed eight new members of the Supreme Court of the United States: Associate Justices Hugo Black, Stanley F. Reed, Felix Frankfurter, William O.
Answer: Button Gwinnett, George Walton, Lyman Hall