Germany's economy couldn't afford to pay the required amount of money. However, they did in a way deserve it.
The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

A war is only just if it is fought for a reason that is justified, and that carries sufficient moral weight. The country that wishes to use military force must demonstrate that there is a just cause to do so. ... Sometimes a war fought to prevent a wrong from happening may be considered a just war.
After the Philippines were recognized as an independent country, the United States established economic/commercial and diplomatic ties. The U.S. continued to invest in the country's economy while aiding in its security (Mutal Defense Treaty of 1951).
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is recognized as one of the twentieth century's greatest political and spiritual heads. Glorified in India as the father of the nation, he pioneered and rehearsed the principle of Satyagraha—opposition to tyranny through mass nonviolent civil noncompliance.
Why is Gandhi known as a hero?</h3>
He believed in his principles for many years till he died, and he fought for India believing that the only way to end the hatred and war is through calm and love. For that reason, Gandhi is a genuine hero to all because of his valor and what he did for India's independence.
To learn more about mohandas gandhi visit the link