In the New Kingdom period, there were two important developments in the literary texts production. First, the material for writing the texts - from papyri to ostraca. Also, a tendency was observed - to copy excerpts of the poems rather than full editions.
Moreover, the ancient Egyptians were very concerned about how a person should be in order to adequately pass the earthly path. Apparently, this explains the emergence of literature such as the Story of Sinue and The Eloquent Peasant, which was very popular among the Egyptians and gained further distribution.
The Story of Sinuhe can be considered the representative of a realistic novel in Egyptian literature. In this fascinating story, everything is natural and corresponds to the era and reality, starting with the form. The latter is borrowed from tombstones of a biographical nature, in which a list of Sinuhe’ posts, epithets, his name is prefixed on behalf of the hero, and then direct speech in the first person is used. The literary merits of the literature monument determined its prevalence and popularity. It was read and copied in schools as an example of the classical style; it was kept in home libraries and even taken with to tombs for afterlife use.
Another famous literature monument of the same era is The Eloquent Peasant. It is characteristic that the complaints contained in the poetic part relate to the specific problem of the villager only indirectly. Complaints raise the general, broad issue of justice. The situation with the villager is just a cause to consider global problems, to affirm the importance of justice, the need for justice, and condemnation of corruption. The main subject of the villager's speeches is the concept of Maat, i.e., truth and justice. This story, created by a brilliantly talented writer, was very popular in Egypt: its text was copied many times. Perhaps the plot was based on a real case from ancient Egyptian legal proceedings at the end of the third millennium BC.
Cell phone - convenient communication
Industrial robot - reduction of human work-load
Power tool - faster construction
The cell phone one is obvious. Not so obvious is which of the remaining two goes with which. The industrial robot goes with less human work becasue industrial implies a factory, and robot means it is probably replacing humans. The remaining two also make sense together, because power tools do make construction much faster.