Copying another artist's work can be a wonderful way to learn, get inspired, get ideas, honor an influence you love, and create something new. All art is a mash up of ideas, and we can all influence and inspire each other, so long as we are creating and sharing from a place of honesty and transparency.
A good artist simply copies another person's art. A great artist selectively takes (steals) elements from multiple sources and then creatively combines their influences to create something that is uniquely their own.
Maybe singing that would be a good start.
Black Friday is one of the most popular shopping days, not only in the US but all over the world. People wait for it impatiently and try to get the best deals and buy as many things products as possible. This often leads to huge crowds in the shopping centers and stores. Sometimes things get pretty violent. Shoppers often act without thinking and hurt and even kill other shoppers in their desire to buy some discounted products. Shoppers are afraid of missing out on something special, even if they don't need it.
once About two thousand people were waiting in line for the shop to open. 5 minutes before the official opening (it was 4.55 a.m.) the crowd got violent and got into the store. The Walmart employees tried to stop the, but got pushed away. There were no police officers or security guards to stop the mad customers.
So, the customers broke into the building through its doors, which led to a complete mess – broken and shattered glass everywhere. a guy was trying to walk through the crowd but he got smashed and literally walked over. By the time police officers manage to pull him away from the crowd, he was already dead. No one was charged with the murder of this young man because police weren’t able to identify that one person who actually killed the man
Brutus decides to join the conspiracy against Caesar because he believed that Caesar is becoming too powerfu