Sumerians because they invented the wheel that let them travel better and they also invented cuneiform scripts that helped write several languages
1. Cyrus McCormick
2. Sewing Machine
3. Samuel Morse
4. Eli Whitney
5. Cotton Spindle
6. Cotton gin
7. Charles Goodyear
8. John Deere
9. Francis Lowell
Otto Von Bismarck
Otto Von Bismark became the first chancellor of Germany and masterminded the unification of Germany in 1871. The idea for the unification became necessary during the 16th and 17th centuries because the country remained split into city-states, different from Britain and France. Germany's city-states had its ruling king, which explained a lack of political solidarity. A sense of nationalism was coming up, and Bismark wanted to build a nation by uniting. Germany got its unification with the help of the Prussian Army and bureaucracy in 1871.
The domino theory is basically ,if one new country went communist in Asia then it would begin a chain reaction that would cause several more Southeast Asian countries becoming communist. it was the reason the united states went into the Vietnam war. since everyone was becoming a communist no laws were really set so they went into war. As the Vietnam War escalated, America's leaders and soldiers found themselves in a quagmire with no victory in sight. Eventually the war weakened the American economy, divided the people, and eroded the nation's morale.