my answer would be yes... that is because if you think about it there is no sharp/flat between e and f, nor b and c, so it depends on how you want to look at it... b# is the same as c and Cb is the same as B... its just a matter of perception, a B# major scale should be the same as a C major scale and a Cb major scale should be the same as a B major scale
this is because B sharp is equivalent to C natural and C flat is equivalent to B natural. this means they are two different scales. B sharp scale would have no sharps or flats and C flat scale would have 5 flats
I agree with what you said in the first answer, even though I dont watch a huge amount of sports, my aunt is a browns fan and she was yelling about the same thing
Well Rembrandt built up colors and textures in his paintings through the use of layering (also sometimes used multi-layers) and also some of the paintings were thick, he used a strategy called "IMPASTO"