That's true that's a Direct Speech because it has quotation marks proving the speech to be said by anyone.
Indirect speech: He asked me if I knew where his dog was?
The answer is b
A shortnovel that folows one familys life
If we say that outline should make use of subordination, we mean that HEADINGS SHOULD BE GENERAL WHILE SUBHEADINGS SHOULD BE MORE SPECIFIC.
In the writing process, outline helps a writer to logically and systematically arrange his materials. Each outline is expected to observe four basic principles, which are: parallelism, coordination, subordination and division. The principle of subordination requires that, In order to indicate the level of significance, an outline should use a principal and subordinate headings. Thus, materials should be ordered from general to specific.
You can make a pizza without making the crust from scratch.
The main idea of the book/movie twilight is YoUlL FiNd TrUe L0vE