The Reconquista represents the movement of Spaniards and Portuguese to expel the Moors (Islamic Arabs) from the Iberian Peninsula, or to conquer it again, which is in fact the meaning of the Spanish word "Reconquista".
The cause of the Reconquest was the penetration of the Moors into Europe, which occupied most of the peninsula in 714, and their further penetration was stopped only by Carlo Martel at the Tours in 732. The Reconquest itself begins in 718 with the liberation of Galicia and Leon, or Pelay's victory at Covadonga in 722, and ends in 1492 when the Granada emirate, the last Moorish stronghold in Europe, was conquered.
In religious terms, the Reconquista represents a conflict between Christianity, that is, Catholicism on the one hand and Islam on the other, which ended with the complete disappearance of Islam from Western Europe.
Bag check and shoe check and Having to go through a metal detector and being very precautious that it won't happen also the piolet locking the door so no one is able to get in